Want to save money on community management? Here’s how… At Optimum, we know that your community is on a budget. As a board member, you are accountable for every dollar spent. But financial management doesn’t need to be painful. By following a methodical, step by step approach, you can stay on budget, or even better, […]
optimum hoa news
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Optimum finds it very important to stay up to date with current legislation that directly impacts community associations in California. The following legislation has been signed and approved by former Governor Jerry Brown and took effect on January 1, 2019 unless otherwise stated: AB 2912 (Irwin) Association Finances Civil Code§§ 5380, 5500, 5501, 5502 and […]

Board members are decision makers for the entire community. Therefore, it is necessary to have some form of outreach to understand clearly the priorities and needs of all the members within the community. Ask your committee representatives for their perspective on needs, conduct an annual survey, or develop a “Member Advocacy Group” to ask members […]

By Matthew A. Gardner, Esq. Of Richardson Ober Denichilo The current pandemic is presenting similar warning signs that many community associations experienced during the housing crisis in 2007. With the ‘Stay at Home’ order in place to slow the spread of the virus, we recognize that people who cannot work have to start making hard […]

A Top Workplaces award is a seal of success. As part of determining which companies are worthy of receiving “Top Places to Work” recognition, Energage assesses the ‘organizational health’ of a company. Research shows that the core elements of organizational health are what employees value most in the workplace and that organizations with high levels […]
Whether you love, hate, or tolerate your monthly HOA board meetings, attending them is a big part of your role as a board member. In theory, everyone wants an efficient meeting, but sometimes things just don’t go as planned. As an experienced Optimum community manager, I know how valuable your time is, and I know […]